Cure a sore throat hard to Swallow from natural materials

Cure a sore throat hard to Swallow from natural materials

Cure a sore throat hard to Swallow from natural materials
Cure a sore throat hard to Swallow from natural materials

Experiencing a sore throat hard to swallow is surely agonizing, therefore refer to the following article which will discuss a remedy sore throat hard to swallow. Pain in the throat is a sign of the onset of inflammation. 

Pain in the throat may be accompanied by symptoms of difficulty swallowing that can last a while in the early inflammation but may also last a long time. Throat usually will be hurt if to swallow food, even to swallow the saliva just ached.

In addition to difficulty swallowing, pain in the throat can also be accompanied by other symptoms such as hoarseness, cough, colds, headaches, or discomfort in the body. Increased body temperature or fever also often accompany the onset of strep throat. Pain in the throat can be caused by many different factors. These factors, among others, namely due to bacterial infection, virus, or fungus in the respiratory tract, food allergies, certain irritant substances (e.g. smoking, alcohol, fatty foods, flavor enhancer), and due to dehydration. In addition, the environmental conditions may also trigger the onset of the sore throats like air pollution or extreme weather.

A Wide Choice Of Remedy Sore Throat Hard To Swallow

Nature has provided the materials that can be used as a powerful medicine to overcome a sore throat. Traditional medicine or drug is sourced from nature is no less great with modern medicine. Traditional medicines have an excess of, among others, does not cause any side effects and ingredients are easily found around us. A wide choice of a remedy sore throat hard to swallow from natural ingredients, among others, as follows:

1. Lemon and honey

Cure a sore throat hard to swallow the first i.e. using lemon and honey. Lemon is a fruit that is rich in vitamin C that serves to fight germs cause a sore throat, while honey serves to increase the durability of the body. How to make it IE prepare 1 lemon, dividing into two parts, then squeeze and mix into the glass of water warm. Then add 2 teaspoons of honey, mix well. Drink the potion while warm, and do it regularly twice a day.

2. Betel leaf

The betel leaf is known to have natural antiseptic substance content to kill the virus or bacteria cause strep throat. How to make a remedies that is set 5 pieces of betel leaf, wash to clean, and then enter into a pan containing 2 glasses of water. Betel leaves, boiled to boiling, then filtered to take water. After that drink decoction of betel leaves the regular morning and evening then a sore throat that you suffered will soon recover.

3. Basil leaves

The leaves are often used as vegetables, it also can be used as a remedy sore throat hard to swallow. Prepare the way, approximately 1 handheld fresh basil leaves, wash to clean, then simmered together with 2 cups of water. Wait until boiling, then filtered and boiled water use the basil leaves to treat a sore throat.

4. Ginger

Plant this one surely is already well known as a powerful herbal remedy to address a variety of diseases, including as a remedy sore throat hard swallow. Besides it tastes refreshing and welcome relief of throat, ginger has efficacy against germs of disease and increase the durability of the body. How to make the remedies i.e. prepare a 2 segment ginger to clean, wash, and put in a pan containing 2 glasses of water. Boil until boiling, then filtered to take water. After that, a capacity in a glass, add honey to taste, and drinking regularly two times in a day.

5. Lemon

To overcome a sore throat hard to swallow, you can also use lime juice. The fruit of this one also has vitamin C is high enough so that the powerful to fight bacteria or virus causes inflammation of the throat. How to make it IE prepare 1 piece of lime, dividing into two parts, then squeezed and put in 1 cup of warm water. Add honey to taste, and then drink it regularly in the morning and the afternoon.

6. Clove

Cure a sore throat hard to swallow the next is using materials from the clove. Cloves have efficacy as an anti inflammatory substance and analgesic at once to relieve throat. The way is set up around 1 handheld boiled cloves, along with 2 cups of water to a boil. After it is filtered, use water to drink regularly twice a day.

7. Leaves Pennyworth

Pennyworth leaves are one of the types of plants and herbs rich in benefits to health, including to treat a sore throat. In addition to leaf Pennyworth, you can also combine with the dial leaves lives. How to make a remedies that is set around 1 handheld leaf Pennyworth coupled with 5 pieces of leaf connect lives, washing the material until clean, then put in a pan containing 2 glasses of water. Boil until boiling, then filtered, use water to drink on a regular basis.

8. Green tea

Besides being used for slimming the body, it turns out that green tea can also be utilized as a remedy sore throat hard to swallow. Green tea is rich in antioxidants and can relieve inflammation. It's easy, you just need to BREW green tea with hot water like tea beverage making in General. Be pleased to add, you can also add 1 segment of ginger that's been washed and smash it. Drink while you warm and the effect will be felt immediately to cure a sore throat.

9. Star fruit

In addition to lemon and lime, you can also create a cure sore throat hard to swallow with star fruit. The fruit is also known to have high doses of vitamin C. It's easy, that is, by the way, make star fruit as juice. Prepare 2 ripe star fruit, wash to clean, cut into pieces, then put it in a blender, add water to taste, and turn on the blender. After that a capacity in a star fruit juice glasses and ever ready to drink.

Pain in the throat is accompanied by difficulty swallowing may also be caused due to the large production of sputum collected in the throat. To eliminate the phlegm, you can perform therapeutic gargling with salt water or steam therapy. To gargle with salt water it's easy by setting up 1 cup of warm water, add 1 teaspoon of salt, then use it to gargle regularly twice a day. While steam therapy the way by setting up hot water in the sink, put a few drops of eucalyptus oil to it, and then hover your face into a basin, breathe the steam and is reasonable.

To avoid strep throat, things you can do, among others, namely by avoiding smoking, dust, smoke, fumes or motor vehicle factory. You can use a mask to reduce exposure to air pollution. In addition, it's also important to avoid transmission of the virus or bacteria cause strep throat by always keep clean themselves and the environment as well as increasing endurance of body. To increase the durability of the body can be done by exercising regularly, drinking plenty of water, and many consume fruits and vegetables.

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